Why didn't my house sell? What to do when it doesn't sell the first time.

Sometimes your home doesn’t sell.

Listing your home on the market can be stressful and emotional, and when it doesn't sell in the expected time frame, I understand just how frustrating it can be.

And though some agents will tell you it’s because you overpriced it, that’s not always the case. 
Gone are the days your agent is able to  stick a sign in the yard and throw your listing up on MLS and BAM – your house sells in 3 days.  It takes a full strategy with a marketing plan and yes, proper pricing. It’s not a one-size-fits all approach. 

Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself if your home didn’t sell:

Did a professional take photos of your home? 

Did you and your agent agree on a price that matched competition on the market?

Did you keep up with basic yard and curb appeal maintenance while you’re home was on the market? 

Was the action planned created by your agent executed as agreed upon?

Were repairs and updates agreed upon completed prior to listing? 

Did you price your home at a price that reflected comparable properties and the current state of the market? 

The truth is - if you answered mostly yes to these questions, you may have overpriced your home when originally going on the market. Those first few weeks are imperative. 
If you answered mostly no’s, I encourage you to consider switching agents. Properly presenting your home from the very beginning can make or break how buyers respond. And ultimately – it’s your agent’s responsibility to guide you through this. 

Considering finding a new agent? I have a full guide that may help you navigate this process! Click here to grab your free copy, and please let me know if you have any questions! 

Letting your home cool for a bit? Keeping up with your home value is still imperative. Sometimes listing on MLS isn’t the best strategy for your needs. Knowing how much equity you have provides confidence if selling off market.

Mackenzie Larch