5 Must Haves for Every Successful Female Real Estate Agent.


The amount of real estate advice out there is overwhelming. You need this, that, etc. 

Every day there’s a new course, downloadable, or Masterclass for you to buy and it can be pretty tough to know what is worth it. I am a Course Queen. Learn something new from the comfort of my home? Sign me up. 

I have also been disappointed by courses I’ve invested in. I have learned that just because someone sells something, doesn’t mean they are actually qualified to teach it. Or they gatekeep the goods and provide a generic download they repurposed from a Canva template. 

In a market such as 2023, it’s entirely too easy to sign up for some type of lead program – especially when they’re getting slammed down your throat every day. 

Don’t do that. 

I spent 7 years working side-by-side a top producing agent whose outgoing expenses were almost as much as their incoming. Believe it or not, this isn’t abnormal. Most real estate team’s take home is excruciatingly low. 

2023 was my first full year flying solo, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s how to get scrappy. Figuring out what is necessary and what is fluff isn’t easy, and with years of experience having done-for-you systems…there were many times I felt lost.

My 5 absolute must haves: 

MASC / Coffee & Contracts weekly email 

I signed up for Modern Agent Social Club back in 2020, and though I don’t actually use the content as consistently as I should, I do utilize this membership in more ways than one. 

The first being the monthly trainings and Chelsea’s tactics. Instead of a monthly distribution of templates that you edit and post, you’re taught a strategy as well. This allows me to show up exactly as who I am, and still get tons of ideas for content. 

My favorite part is the community. I have made some of my best real estate friends inside the FB group, but have also received many agent referrals too. 

Coffee & Contracts is another resource I highly recommend. I don’t pay the monthly membership, but I do receive the weekly emails and they are VALUE PACKED. And free. 

Sign up here for MASC.

Sign up here for Coffee & Contracts.

A good website

Your online presence goes beyond Instagram and Facebook. As you’ve probably heard before, you don’t have ownership in these platforms and if you lose your account, it’s gone. Like gone gone. This is why you need to be omnipresent. 

Your goal is to take a potential client off of a social media platform and get them into your database. A website is a stepping stone and imperative means to help your leads get to know you, which in return will allow them to like & trust you. 

I highly recommend hosting your website with a blog option. Though many think long-form is dead, it’s not. In fact, I think blogging will make a huge comeback in 2024. 

There’s also a million ways to leverage the heck out of it.

  • Lead magnets for email sign ups

  • Pinterest posts 

  • Linking to Youtube or any social media posts 

  • Email newsletters

  • Google analytics


Systems. Systems are so damn important, and they are truly easier to build in slow seasons of your business. Good systems allow you to keep scaling in busy seasons, removing that feeling of *dropping the ball* on your needle moving activities. 

I am a lover of Notion because I like the ability to build a system exactly how I want it. It does take some time to figure out what and how, but there are a ton of YouTube videos to teach you. And it’s free! 

Honorable mentions: Trello and Asana 

A room worth sitting in

I know. 

Hear me out – this may be the most important of the 5.

Real estate is an incredibly lonely business, even when you’re on a team. Surrounding yourself with others that know what it’s like to be in the trenches is crucial for your mental health. Even those who love you don’t quite understand exactly what you’re experiencing. 

But this goes beyond that. 

Try to be the dumbest person in the room. Take notes and implement. 

When you surround yourself with people doing the thing you want to do, you will 10x your chances of making it happen. 

There is a very-real scarcity mindset among agents in our industry and I had to learn the hard way. There is room for everyone. 

A few of my favorite communities: 

POWERHOUSE - this is the national group I am in with eXp. Funded by Amy Gregory, this is a room made for those building a business outside of the boring ol’ work 60 hours a week and you’ll be the best. 

This room is made for those that go left when everyone is going right. 

eXp has a rep for feeling MLM-y. In fact, before I joined I had zero desire to even learn about it because it was a big fat no for me. And then I met Kelley.
To this day - it’s the best decision I have ever made for my business. 

Girls With Grit - if you aren’t sure where to start with systems, this is a great first step. They have an online community you can join here for women in the industry! 
Hustle Humbly - Another GREAT community you can join for just $25/month. I know that seems annoying to pay for a community, but it’s really about the resources Katy and Alyssa provide. A completely free way to get their wisdom? Their podcast! Listen here. 

I believe this + experience is all you need. Each opportunity you get to learn something, soak it in. You don’t have to close transactions to build experience only. There is free mentorship around you!

If you’re curious to learn more about what it looks like to partner with me inside Powerhouse, let’s chat about it!

Mackenzie Larch