the buyer


A smooth experience is built on the foundation of knowing what the heck is going on. Understanding the inner workings of the real estate process ensures you feel comfortable and confident every step of the way. 

I’ll guide you through the real estate terminology, educate you to prevent common buyer mistakes and how to spot opportunities that may be the perfect fit, with just a few easy changes. 

I’ll help you identify red flags in a property so that you don’t waste your time and money getting into contract on a total dud (and spending $500 to find out). During offer time, I’ll coach you on how we can make ours stand out in a competitive market (spoiler alert: it’s not always about the highest price!) or how to go in strategically in noncompetitive situations.

It’s important to me that my buyers are never left in the dark. Like I said, smoooth like butter!

Free Sh*t!


Free Sh*t! 〰️

  • We’ll connect over zoom (or a drink!) and go over the ins and outs of the buying process. This is when we’ll strategize for your individual needs and timeline, so you can walk away knowing what your next steps should be.

    It’s never too early to start planning ahead. This is always a no strings attached first step, and your time to get a feel for what it would be like to work with me.

  • You cannot make any real estate decisions if you don’t know your numbers. I can provide you a list of reputable local lenders who I know and trust. I encourage buyers to reach out to 2-3 lenders for a casual conversation to see who you jive with the best.

  • This is all about lifestyle, baby! Where do you spend your time and what kind of commute are you looking at? How many bedrooms do you need? Is a one story an absolute must for your aging knees or do you need a large backyard for the kids.

    Oftentimes, your priorities shift once you get out in the field, but it’s helpful to start off with a game plan.

  • This is where it gets real fun! We’ll start looking at 3-5 homes that really catch your eye. You’ll experience the professional-photos-catfish and find yourself pleasantly surprised in others! All new listings will come through your automated search so you don’t have to obsessively refresh Zillow, worried you might have missed something. 😉

  • This part can feel incredibly overwhelming. I break down each of the contract terms and provide helpful resources that help demystify what it all means, and help ensure you feel confident in knowing all of your options.

    While you’re thinking terms over, I’ll be digging a little deeper into seller’s needs, property records/permits and anything I can find that you should be aware of before writing an offer. The lender will provide updated numbers.

    I put a lot of extra effort into writing offers to make my buyers stand out - which is where I work my best magic. We take writing offers seriously around here.

  • Heck yeah!

    We’ll nail down appointments for a home inspection and any other specific inspections you’d like to have. I have a list of inspectors that I know and trust, but you are always welcome to hire an inspector of your choice.

  • I highly recommend hiring a licensed professional home inspector on any home you consider buying.

    This is buyer paid expense, typically around $450. They’ll investigate the structural components of the house and tells you the good, the bad, and the “what-the-actual-flip???”.

    While no house is perfect, the inspection will also give you an idea of what maintenance needs to budget for in the future.

    Note - I have never written an inspection waiver for a buyer, and I still have an incredibly high acceptance rate. I do not use this tactic to get an offered accepted because I do not want to put any buyer at undue risk.

  • After inspections, I will help coordinate with contractors to get bids for any major items of concern to use for negotiations.

    The buyer the opportunity to ask the seller to address any concerns that came up in the inspection report. Buyers have less negotiating power in a hot sellers market where multiple offers are on the table, but every situation is unique. I will evaluate each scenario and approach negotiations strategically.

  • Once we are out of the option period and done with negotiations, the next step is an appraisal.

    Any appraisal is used to determine the reasonable market value of a home on the lender’s behalf. You don’t need to be present during this, but you will receive a copy of the report once it’s complete.

    The appraised value is confidential to you and the lender. We don’t share the value unless it’s under appraised.

    Appraisals sometimes go awry - but I provide each appraisal with a custom packet including comps, updates, and any must-knows the appraiser might miss.

  • It’s time! Closing is when the seller and buyer sign their documents with the Title company. You'll sign separately to keep it easy and smooth.

    Once all parties have signed and all monies are at the title company, it will be funded! Once we’re funded, the home is yours!